Job Insurance reports, 1937-1990.


Job Insurance reports, 1937-1990.

Consists of JOB INSURANCE REPORTS, this series contains claimant data (claims activity, characteristics of the unemployed) received from local offices. Employer data received from employer contribution forms. October 4, 2007 accession consists of JOB INSURANCE REPORTS from 1986 and are located in box 7. August 13, 2008 accession consists of .20 ft of JOB INSURANCE REPORTS from 1987 and is located in box 7. September 17, 2009 accession consists of .25 ft of JOB INSURANCE REPORTS from 1988 and is located in box 7 folder 7. October 7, 2010 accession consists of .35 ft of JOB INSURANCE REPORTS from 1989-1990, housed in box 7 & 8.

8 cubic ft ft.

Related Entities

There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Job Service North Dakota. Research and Statistics Division. (corporateBody)

Job Service North Dakota (corporateBody)